Buy Like An Eagle Graduate Program

Great news! Now that you have completed the Buy Like An Eagle Program, you can continue to get access to Steve and the team, the training and other members through our Buy Like An Eagle Graduate Program.

“Here’s the wrap up for the
Buy Like An Eagle Program”

Here’s what’s included:

Steve, Andrew, Daryl and the team provide support over the next 12 months to source high-quality, Australian-made products at Asia-competitive prices. You get help with the following steps along the way:

Here’s what you get:

One-on-one planning meeting with Steve to prepare an implementation plan for the continued growth of your business

Access to the members area with all of the training webinars, tools, templates and other resources

Invitations to our weekly webinars and end-of-month group meetings where you can stay up to date with the training, and ask us any questions you have

Access to our databases of over 90,000 Australian manufacturers, and over 200,000 retailers (including updates)

Email access to us for advice on sourcing, manufacturing and marketing

Membership to the “Buy Like An Eagle” private Facebook inner circle.


Standard price of this program is $4,997, or 12 monthly payments of $497.

For a limited time we are offering places in the pilot of this program for just $1,997, or 12 monthly payments of $197. In return we ask for feedback on the program.

If you would like to join the program, then simply:

choose your payment option

click that you accept the terms and conditions

put in your contact and payment details

We’re looking forward to working some more with you!


Yes, I would love to join the Buy Like An Eagle Graduate program, using the following payment option:

Option 1 - 12 monthly payments of $197
Option 2 - discount for paying up front, just $1,997

By signing this agreement I request and authorise NTSH Consulting Pte Ltd or assignees of the rights under this contract to arrange payment of my account as per details on this page, by debiting my credit card as described.