Don’t Miss This One Day Training Event Where You’ll Discover How To Source High-Quality Australian-Made Products…

…AND Still Be Competitive With Cheap Foreign Imports

The Secret To Doing It Successfully Is Knowing How


YOUR HOUSE! (Online)



19 September 2020
10am – 6pm AEST


How Much:

Standard tickets to this
practical event are FREE

VIP tickets are just $19.95, and include a copy of the slides and recordings of the whole event (note: you need to attend the online event live to get the slides and recordings)

You can choose your ticket type after you click the Book Now button

Why You Must Attend This Event

There’s never been a more important time to champion Aussie-made products.

Australia has some of the most innovative manufacturers in the world.

But we tend to get a bad rap – everyone assumes that buying Australian-made, while it may mean higher quality, will probably mean much higher prices.

That’s because Australian labour rates are “first world”, making it hard to compete when workers are earning just a few dollars an hour in other countries.

But is that really the case?

I’m here to tell you that you CAN source Australian-made in a way that’s cost-competitive with imports. Without ripping off local suppliers.

You CAN source locally in a way that’s a win-win for you and your supplier.

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?

Hi, I’m Steve Eagle. My expertise is in sourcing products.

In the last 22 years I’ve sourced over a billion dollars’ worth of products over more than 3,000 projects, all over the world.

My product sourcing system helps you maximise your profits. I show you how to buy the right product, with the right quality, the best price, in the ideal quantity, and with the best payment terms.

Using my system you know you’re getting the best deal – a superior product at a substantially lower price than your competitors.

Buy Locally, Compete Globally

Here are 11 reasons why it can be MORE profitable to source Australian-made than to import:

  1. You eliminate the cost of international shipping, which averages about 35% of the cost of any imported products
  2. You’re working in Australian dollars, so there’s no exchange rate risk, and no hedging required. Most imports are priced in US dollars, and we know how volatile that’s been lately
  3. Clever Australian manufacturers use automation instead of labour, so the impact of Australia’s more expensive labour rates is not as high as you’d expect
  4. By working closely with your Australian manufacturer, you can often find ways to reduce costs without reducing quality – and how much easier is it to have those discussions with another Aussie, in English, without the language and cultural barriers you have to deal with when you’re importing?
  5. It’s much quicker to go from concept to cash if you’re sourcing locally. You can get samples shipped to you overnight. Things that would take months if you’re importing, suddenly can happen in just days or weeks
  6. Most sellers still use “middlemen” – agents, distributors or wholesalers who take their cut – whether they are buying locally or importing. This can add as much as 100% to your costs. By sourcing directly from an Australian manufacturer, you not only get a better price on the product, but you can also negotiate on things like payment terms, MOQ or order quantities, or storage of inventory
  7. By working directly with an Australian manufacturer you may even be able to organise a drop-shipping arrangement, where you make the sales, and the factory ships directly to your customer…saving you inventory, storage and shipping costs
  8. You can work with your Australian manufacturer to design a unique product. So you can add features that are superior to others on the market (including imports), allowing you to charge a premium, and with clever marketing, get a bigger slice of the pie
  9. Right now the demand for Australian-made is higher than it’s ever been. There are calls to have supermarkets put in an Australian-only aisle. Visits to the official Australian-made website have more than doubled – up 130% in the last month. People are prepared to pay a premium for a product that is Australian made, Australian owned, Australian built, Australian grown, or developed with Australian ideas. All of this increases the profit margin on what you’re selling
  10. There are many government grants and other incentives available for local manufacturers and producers. And if you’re exporting Australian products there are also generous export grants available
  11. Governments and corporates are keen to be seen to be “doing the right thing” and buying Australian-made. Check out this recent example from one of my clients…

A client of mine in Australia was sourcing eco-friendly bamboo toilet paper from China to sell to McDonalds and the Australian Government.

I suggested to him that he should look for a local opportunity to source and promote Aussie-made.

He used my sourcing system to pivot to Australian-made…and found a supplier in Queensland who has price-matched his Chinese supplier.

Not only that, but we set him up to qualify for the Indigenous Business Australia Program, and now he can access massive government support.

He’s now gearing up to supply the Australian government and McDonalds with Australian-made, eco-friendly toilet paper from an Australian supplier at prices usually only seen in Asia!

His long term goal is to export Aussie-made, eco-friendly loo paper, at China-competitive prices. The icing on the cake is that he will also qualify for Australian export grants.

He already has his first order for 14,000 maxi rolls from a NSW local council.

I’ll be sharing my special sourcing system with you at this one-day online event.

If you’re currently selling physical products (or you’d like to) then you need to be at this event…besides, there’s every chance your competitors will be there!

Standard tickets to this
practical event are FREE

VIP tickets are just $19.95, and include a copy of the slides and recordings of the whole event (note: you need to attend the online event live to get the slides and recordings)

You can choose your ticket type after you click the Book Now button

Here’s a Taste of What You’ll Learn

  • A step-by-step system to design, manufacture and source hot-selling Aussie-made products
  • How to take your winning idea from concept to market – the hidden process of product development that ensures you’ll be profitable from the very start
  • How to find the right manufacturer here in Australia – one that is keen to build a win-win relationship, and gives you great quality for the best price
  • How to understand the cost of your product before you begin negotiating with your supplier – so you’re going in to the negotiation with the knowledge of what you should be paying rather than going in blind
  • How to negotiate with a new manufacturer, so you get exactly what you want (unique product made for you to your desired quality at the right price) even with a tiny order size
  • How to build a high value relationship with your manufacturer that will last the long term and keep your business making money
  • Epic fails – not every sourcing project goes to plan. I’ll share horror stories from the thousands of projects I’ve run so you can learn. These fails provide great learnings about what NOT to do
  • Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, you will learn loads, and you’ll be able to apply this unique method to find a winning idea and take it to market.
  • How to tap into the many Australian grants and incentives available to those who are growing local businesses and helping the Australian economy

By the end of the day, you’ll be armed with a complete and up-to date arsenal of strategies and tactics to source Australian-made, that you can immediately implement into your business.

Online Live Streaming Event

19 September 2020, 10am-6pm AEST

Standard tickets to this
practical event are FREE

VIP tickets are just $19.95, and include a copy of the slides and recordings of the whole event (note: you need to attend the online event live to get the slides and recordings)

You can choose your ticket type after you click the Book Now button

Who The “How To Source
Australian-Made” Event Is For

  • Australian businesses who are currently selling physical products, either locally-sourced or imported, and who want to improve their profitability
  • Retailers wanting to improve their margins, and stock more Australian-made products
  • Online sellers – whether you’re selling on eBay, Amazon, Gumtree, or your own website, and want to be more competitive
  • People selling physical products who want to address the increased demand for Australian-made
  • Entrepreneurs who have a great product idea but aren’t sure how to give it the push it needs to make it to market and be a real winner
  • People who know that buying Australian-made products and building the local economy is the best thing you could be doing for our country right now

Don’t make the mistake of trying to figure all this out on your own. You will end up wasting too much of your valuable time and losing your hard-earned money. It’s taken me over 20 years to learn the secrets I’ll be sharing with you.

Come and spend one day with me online and let me show you how you can successfully source Australian-made products in a way that is competitive with imports.

This is a one-off event and will be streamed live.

Here’s What Recent Attendees
Have Said About This Event

“I wish I’d been able to see this webinar 7 years ago when I was first developing my products!”

Susan C.

“Fantastic process”

Manny T.

“This is awesome info”

Chris T.

“Manufacturing in Australia can be cheap!”

Sylvia B.

“There are opportunities everywhere”

Bernadette P.

“Steve’s whole concept is quite different to how am currently doing things”

Michelle K.

“I’m looking at things differently now”

Rita H.

“I liked the breakdown of the whole process and how to price match with China”

Ross Z.

“Steve, great job!”

Tatiana K.

“Love your cost estimating chart”

Sheryl B.

“Knowledge is power. I like the win-win aspect too.”

Robyn K.

“I’ve learnt so much today – my head hurts!!!  So many angles and ideas I’ve never heard before.”

Lee M.

“This session has been amazing thank you”

Carol F.

“I liked the places to reference for sourcing Australian manufacturers thankyou”

Michelle K.

“So much I didn’t know, so thank you!”

Harjinder D.

“Mind blowing info 👍”

Kal K.

“Good to know that there are a lot of opportunities here in Australia not only in China”


“This flips the usual process on its head”

Jared T.

“This session has been awesome”



Alison D.

“This content is the next level of awesomeness”

Jared T.

“Fantastic Steve! mind has expanded today!!”

Alison D.

“You are the best at what you do”

Lee-Ann H.

“Thank you for huge value webinar today”

Ross G.

“The whole webinar is amazing. The content is loaded and a lot of ah-huh moments ❤🙏🙌🥂🤙🤙”

Pama L.

“This has all been a mind expansion, Steve! Thank you SO much.”

Bronwyn W.

“You guys are awesome …”

Jean M.

“Too many ah hah’s to mention”

Jacquie L.

“Today’s ah-hah: I’ve been thinking too small”

Berry B.

“Very valuable information Thank you”

Antonina F.

“It is a great presentation!”

Tatiana K.

“My biggest AHA was that it may be as economical to develop my business using Australian manufacturers rather than overseas ones”

Susan R.

“The negotiation aspect was interesting, more in depth than I was currently aware of”


“You guys know your stuff and are trustworthy”

Lee-Ann H.

“Thank you Steve, Andrew and Daryl, You have certainly over delivered, so much fantastic information!”

Maida P.

“Yes, you are amazing people! Thank you very much!”

Tatiana K.

“I can do this!”

Maida P.

“Thank you it’s been an awesome day. So mind blowing. Thank you”

Carol F.

“Thanks Steve, Andrew and  Daryll  its been a pleasure spending my Saturday with you, truly time well spent.”


“Loved the depth of knowledge given. Thank you!”

Patricia B.

“Thanx heaps for this it was a great day”

Rita H.

“Thanks Steve and Andrew the content today was great! Lots of Ah ha moments. Looking forward to helping bring manufacturing back to Aus.”

Angela T.

“Thankyou for a very insightful day”

Nerida O.

“Wonderful content. Feeling increased confidence just knowing the potential for Australian made is real. Thankyou for a great day.”

Teri-Ann B.

“Fantastic workshop today guys!! thanks so much for the opportunity 🙂 Mind blown today!!”

Alison D.

“Thanks  so much. Heaps of content.”

Sue S.

“Super super thanks. Appreciate sharing knowledge”

Pama L.

“Thank you! Well worth the day watching and listening.”

Lisa H.

Here’s What Others Have Said
About Past Events I’ve Run

Mark Eaton






The testimonials on this website are from real and satisfied clients. However their results may not be your results. Specific results can not be guaranteed and results may vary from person to person