Woohoo! Well done on your decision to register for the “How To Source Australian-Made Products” live, 3-day workshop replay. It’s on 19 -21 July 2024.

We’re excited to have you join us!

To book your FREE General Admission ticket please pop your details in below. On the next page, if you want you can upgrade to VIP.

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At the workshop you’ll learn Steve Eagle’s unique system to source locally made products at up to 30-50% cheaper than imports.

The system is based on Steve’s 23 years of experience, sourcing over 1.5 billion dollars’ worth of products, in more than 3,500 projects.

Now we’re going to share that system with you in this jam-packed 3-day workshop.

Whether you’re brand new to selling physical products, or you’ve been in business for years, the strategies that you’ll learn here will work for you.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Steve, Andrew and Daryl

After registering for the event, you will receive information about the “How to Source Australian-Made Products” workshop and other events run by Steve, Andrew and Daryl. We will not sell or distribute your email address to any third party at any time. View our Privacy Policy

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